Friday, October 31, 2008

Trick or Treat

Anna and Charles went out trick or treating tonight. She had a lot of fun and was sort of was able to ring the bell, say "trick or treat", and then "thank you" without any help.

Mr. Sam stayed home with me to help pass out the treats. He did not have a costume; however, he is wearing monster toes socks.

Nana came over this morning to help carve pumpkins and do a practice round of treat gathering (I think that the practice rounds helped her to not be afraid).

We have been working on getting Anna to go to sleep without a bottle of water for many, many months now. If she asks for a bottle we usually tell her that they are dirty and in the dishwasher ... tonight when she asked she said "the ba ba that I don't like not dirty." Tricky girl that Anna she is on to us.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Zoo Morning

Anna, Sam, and I met our friends at the zoo this morning for a little outing. We had a lot of fun and got to see the new baby elephant named ... Sam (Samudra)! The elephant was born five days before Sam and the zoo held a contest pick the name for him. The zoo announced that they were calling him Sam the day our Sam was born (not the reason we picked his name though).

This is Sam's friend Max watching the elephants.

Anna and Katie wanted to see "next animal please."

Unfortunately I did not get a good photo of the front side of the girls .. so here is another one of them looking at the animals.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Two Month Comparison

Today is Sam's two month birthday! He celebrated by going to the doctor.

Here is a little comparison of Sam at two months (10-29-08). He currently weighs 13.3 lbs and is 24 1/4" long. Sam is in the 90% for both weight and height.

Here is a photo of his first shot wounds (the band aids are space Snoopy ... they look very cute).

Anna's photo at two months (04-06-2006). Anna weighed 9.13 lbs. and was 22 1/2" long. She was in the 20% for weight and 25% for height.

This is a photo of her first shot wounds (the band aids were one silver glitter and one space Snoopy).

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Happy Birthday Zoe!

A Great Tinker Bell Day

Nana came over first thing this morning with the new Tinker Bell Movie and glitter Tinker Bell PJ's for Anna! We watched the movie and only had a skip a few scary (not really) parts. It is a very sweet movie. She placed her new PJ's, pink "magicking wings," and "tinker panties" and told me that she was going to wear them again after her nap.

Here is Anna kissing her movie case as she is asking me to play the movie again.

Sunday, October 26, 2008


Anna got her second haircut today and a doughnut for (sort of) being cooperative with the stylist. She did not want to sit in one of the fancy car, jeep, motorcycle style seat .. the real reason that they charge so much for the haircut ... so she sat on my lap and cried for it "all to be done now."

I am pretty sure that Sam does not like the monkey.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Friday, October 24, 2008

Tinker Bell Fan

Anna watched the first ever Tinker Bell interview on Good Morning America today ... she is super, super excited about her new movie (the Disney executives have a done a great job promoting this movie :) She has been wearing her wings all day and told me that she "can't fly but I'm a running really fast."

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Game Two

Everyone (even Stella) watching the game tonight.

Anna created a little tribute to Halloween on her table.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Play Date Day

Sam had a little play date with his friend Max today and I got to visit with my friend (Max's mommy Stephanie).

Anna's friends Cece and Jack came over for a World Series play date dinner tonight. They eat dinner together at the little table in front of the TV while "watching" the game.

The girls played very nicely together ...

Poor Baby Jack got a little left out.

And Cece helped Anna "organize" her toys to a whole new level.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Anna has been saying the funniest things tonight. She told Charles "I missed you today, I missed Nana today, Nana's great, she's a scared of birds, I am a scared of bees, and your a scared of skeletons." Anna said, really clearly, to me at dinner "you could win a fabulous vacation for 4 to Disneyland, enter at Disney fairy's dot com."

Sam spent most of today in a carrier ... being carried by me ...

Monday, October 20, 2008

Don't Want To Forget Sam

Back To Work

I went back to work (officially) today. I work on Monday's and during Marsha's vacations. Nana comes over to our house to watch the kids. I was nice to get back into the normal routine; however, it was a little strange not knowing what everyone was up to during the day.

Today was Nana's first day back to work as well! I think she had a good day (but busy) and know Anna was happy to have her.

Anna was being silly before her bath ... "blanket princess."

Sunday, October 19, 2008


Anna's friend Cece has a fancy magic wand (a glitter Sleeping Beauty pink lights up type wand) that Anna really, really, really wanted. I told her no ... then she said in the girlist way possible "maybe Anna poops in the potty? Maybe Anna gets a new magnic wand." I said OK. I thought she would forget or maybe not poop in her potty chair for several weeks. I forgot that she really wanted the wand. She has been sitting on her potty chair so much these past few days that she has a potty chair indention on her bum. This morning she made the smallest poop ever in her potty chair then jumped off and said "red magnic wand now please." We spent the morning at the Disney store and then off to toss pennies in the fountain.

Saturday, October 18, 2008


Pop pop gave Sam a airplane mobile ( for his room. We have all had a lot of fun with it today.

Sam looking at the mobile.

A closeup of Sam.

Anna looking at the Mobile and Sam looking at Anna.

The view.

And who does not dream of eating a peanut butter and jelly sandwich in a fabulous purple ballgown ...

Friday, October 17, 2008

Anna and Sam at work

Anna and Sam came to work with me today. Marsha had to go to a funeral this afternoon .. so off to work went. Anna was super excited to sit at my desk, watch TV, drink "fuzzy tickle water," spin in the chairs, and color.

Sam slept(sort of) in his basket under my desk.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Potty Chair Update

A potty update: Anna pooped in her potty chair this afternoon for the first time! I was so, so excited that I actually teared up after I called Charles to let him know. Then I immediacy called Nana .. yes I called everyone that I thought would be as excited as me about the poop. Anna was not that impressed and did not think what she did was a big deal .. so I dialed down the excitement (on the outside). She did ask to wear her princess pj's instead of getting a marshmallow (her bribe for letting me know she has to use the potty).

Apparently Katie's mommy exercises a lot more often than I do. I put on sneakers to take Anna and Sam on a walk this morning and Anna flipped out. She kept telling me that I was wearing "Katie's Mommy's shoes ... NO!!!!" Then she refused to leave the house .. I finally bribed her into the walk with a promise of vanilla milk at Starbucks. (Photo taken looking over Sam in the carrier)

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Stripey Kids

Anna, Sam, and a few giraffes are on the couch getting ready to watch the baseball game tonight.

The lineup today was really funny .. are the bunnies at the ends food for the dinosaurs? I like that Stella is making a where's Waldo appearance in the photo.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Babyhood And A Party Prize

Sam is becoming so much more alert and focused lately. He has been slowing losing his newness this past week or so and moving towards babyhood. This is a picture of him peeking over my shoulder at Charles tonight.

Anna got a triceratops to add to her Dino collection as a birthday party prize tonight. She had the instinct to add the crocodile to the lineup .. I wonder how/or if she knows that the crocodile is also a dinosaur?

Monday, October 13, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving Canadian Friends!

We wish we were up in Victoria to celebrate with you all.

Preschool and Frat Boy

Anna had a great day at preschool today. Her teachers were a little worried that she was going to be sad without her friend Katie there (Katie is spending the week with her grandmother)and let her feed the class guinna pigs. This has been her goal since starting school and she was very proud that she took care of Tallulah and the fat brown one (not sure what the other ones name is). She also picked out her own outfit for school.

Sam did not pick out his own outfit for the day. I don't think his goal was to look like an former eastern block olympic water polo star strapped into a carseat.

Charles and I talk about how much Sam reminds us of a stereotypical frat boy .. the farting, snorting, burping, vomiting. He is very noisy little guy. Tonight watching baseball with Charles, Anna put her panties on his head to make a, as she called it, "Pantie Hat for Sam." He could be an extra in the remake of Animal House ... poor Sam.