I can't believe Sam is already five months old. This past month he has truly started to become more relaxed. He is a lot calmer, smiley, happy .... such a difference from a few short weeks ago. Even when his sister paints all over his head he seems unfazed. Still has a sparkle in his eye. He adores his sister ... is totally into watching her, following her voice.

* Wearing size 3 diapers.
* Clothes are 6-12 months (wearing lots of overalls, his tummy is pretty round and the waistband of his pants sometimes hurts him).
* Still nursing. We are going to start rice cereal in a few days to see how he does.
* We are starting to get some sort of sleep routine going. He cries when we put him down, but it is not the 3 -4 hours that it was taking. He will go to sleep and sleep a 2-3 hour stretch which is great!
* He talks lots and lots - rolling r and g sounds and lots of other different sounds as well. He will make a sound if we aren't looking at him and he wants some attention - I am thinking Sam is the most vocal at this age.
* New car seat
* He's moving and curling from side to side - the beginnings of wanting to roll over and doesn't mind lying on his tummy as long as it's not to long -- and loves it most when Anna will lie across from him so he can watch her face. He forgets about being on his stomach then.
* He's grabbing onto things and will pull toys to him.
* Laugh's. Has one of the sweetest, full body laughs around.