Thursday, February 26, 2009

Bath Time

Anna had a pretty busy day today with story time at the book store, play date with Cece and Baby Jack, and then helping Daddy with Sam's bath.

This photo was taken at bath time on 09-26-2008. It is really amazing how much he has grown and changed in a few short months.

She and Cece took a lot of photo's of each other that I will download and post later.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Master Sam's New Quilt

Lucky, lucky Mr. Sam got a new quilt in the mail yesterday! It is super cheerful and really beautiful. We have been laying on it, using it as a tent, and all the good things that should happen with a new quilt. All the action photo's that I have taken so far ... have had a "dog's bottooom" in them. So this was what Sam got to wake up to from his nap ... Anna's grasshopper "likes to visit the jungle."

And since I took a lot of photo's today, here are a couple from tonight.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Bebe Cooker

Charles bought Sam his own bebe cooker so he can have fresh homemade food (more often). We have been having fun feeding Sam for the past two weeks. He likes to eat ... so far he has tried applesauce, pears, sweet potatoes, and bananas.

Since he is feeling much better ... back to jumping until he collapses in exhaustion!

Lambarena Ballet

Nana and Pop pops took us to the ballet on Sunday. It was a more modern style ballet that was not quite as interesting to Anna as the classical style. She as attentive and quiet for the entire 3 1/2 hours and only got a little wiggling at the last half hour. I was really proud of her, it was hard for me to stay quite that long! As an extra treat, my friend Phyllis came with us!

Faith, Hope, Trust, and a Little Pixie Dust

Tinkerbell came to visit Anna on Saturday night to take away her water bottle. She left her a few little presents, a plastic tea set and little plastic fairies, as an exchange. Anna was really excited about the visit and spent the afternoon showing us all the dust Tinkerbell left on her window when she came into the house ... "Tinkerbell had to work really, really hard to open the window because my present was so big."

Anna even got Stella into the Tinkerbell action.

Anna is a great little hostess.

Grandma and Grandpa Loving

Charles parents came to visit us this weekend and to meet Sam. We had a very nice visit and both kids were happy. Anna spent quite a bit of time playing tea party and getting books read to her. Sam spent most of the time trying to get over his illness.

Grandma and Grandpa wanted to go down to the waterfront park. They had not been downtown for several years and were amazed at how much has changed in a few years. We watched boats go up and down the river.

We also went to the zoo. Anna was really into riding the horse at the petting barn. She was a little upset that it did not bounce like the wonder horse.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Conversation With 3 Year Old

Anna: "I don't have a tail, when am I going to grow one?"
Mommy: "Never, you are never going to grow a tail."
Anna: "Never?"
Mommy: "Nope, never."
Anna: "Oh, OK"
Anna: "When am I going to grow the wings? I want to fly like Tinkerbell."

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Sam is Sick

Mr. Sam has been quite sick the last two days. Nana and Pop Pop's came over to help this afternoon. They got us lunch and a fancy new vaporizer that you can add vapor rub into. Sam has two humidifier's going in his room and Anna has one in her room (she's not really sick ... she just likes to be the same as Sam). Our house smells really great right now and feels a little like a steam room.

Anna is testing out the set up of vapor rub on the chest, heating pad, Finding Nemo, and a cookie.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Wonderhorse The Movie

Thank you, Wonderboy72

I pulled out my old Wonderhorse from the basement today to dust off and put together for Anna. My parents have been saving this toy for over 30 years. I loved the Wonderhorse as a child a lot. I think that it has been to Saudi Arabia and back and I am pretty sure if I didn't let Anna use it they might be upset. I dusted it off and tried to figure out how to put it together .. Internet. Did you know that there is a Wonderhorse fan club? Apparently I have a Deluxe Colt 1973 model in medium condition worth approximately $45.00.

Pictures of Anna to be posted after she wakes up from her nap.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Friday, February 13, 2009

Afternoon At Nana's

We made a lot of Valentine's cookies.

Played with our new doll, Maria Ballerina.

Watched Sam take a little nap.

Helped Sam to sit up and play with his new toy.

Snuggled and hugged Nana.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Dinner Conversation

"Why does Pop pop's call Nana Liz? Doesn't he know her name is Nana?"

Anna Waking Up

"I feel terrible, when is Dragon Tales?"

Off To Ballet Class

Anna took her first (non-parent involved) ballet class Wednesday afternoon. She was really excited to go and I think she had a good time during the class. The only thing she has told me about it so far is ... "I dance like a fairy ice princess." I think that life can not be much better then fairy ice princess except if you maybe add a musical pink pony sidekick.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

3 Year Check Up

The big three year old is weighing in at an even 30 lbs (50%) and has grown a full three inches from last year to measure in at 36 inches (40%). The doctor thought Anna was doing very well. Happy and healthy ... well sort of ... she had a little sniff in her nose today and Anna told him that there was "a bee in my nose!" The doctor also thought Anna's language skills are not quite what he would expect a girl her age to have. Pronunciation is a hard skill for her ... so she is going to go to a speech therapist at the end of the month for an evaluation. I am pretty interested to see where she actually is on the scale of language and what idea's the therapist has to help her.

One phrase that she has no problem saying is "Cheese!!" Around here if you want to take her photo you must first pose for one of hers.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Sweet Potato Smiles

Waiting For The Crown

Anna's friend Katie gave her a book about fairy's for her birthday. In the book the fairy's spell out her name as the new fairy queen. The book came with a crown. This idea of a book naming her and the actual crown is amazing to Anna ... each time we read the story she is still very innocently surprised that the fairy's name her the queen .... so very sweet. Last night, after her story, I told her that she could not have the crown in bed with her. When I went to check on her this morning I found the crown is on the pillow under her head.

She also had gotten up sometime last night to cover her little fairy's up.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Anna's Zoo Photo's

Anna, Sam, Charles, and I went to the zoo this afternoon. Since Nana and Pop pop's bought her a camera for her birthday, she spent the afternoon taking photo's of what she saw ...

The inside of the elephant enclosure .. looking at baby Sam (Sam the elephant .. not our Mr. Sam) feet.

The outside elephant yard looking a Packy's legs.

The photo of the cougar was quite a good one.

Charles in the cafe.

And Sam and I once we got back home.

Birthday Video's

I am fortunate enough that one on the mom's at the party made this video of Anna (and her friend Henry) blowing out the birthday candle.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Three Years Old

Miss. Anna, our Joy Maker, is three years old today. She is the most wonderful thing that has ever happened in my life and I feel so lucky that I am her mother. She has brought a lot of laughter and fun into our little family. It amazes me to think that in three short years she has gone from a teeny tiny beautiful infant to a big girl sister .. wearing panties and fairy wing, packing her soap filled purse and going off the preschool. It is so hard sometimes for me to let her move forward .. but I have no choice and now she is three.

February 6, 2009

February 6, 2008

February 6, 2007

February 6, 2006

Birthday Dinner

We have always celebrated birthday's by having dinner together (Katy, Charles, Nana, Pop pop's, and Anna) and then eating cake. After Anna's bookstore party it was pretty funny that she did not think that was the "birthday" party of the party. Per Anna's request we ate Mickey Mouse shaped chicken nuggets, french fries, broccoli, and a TINKERBELL CAKE!

Book Store Birthday Party

Anna had her birthday party at The Children's Place Bookstore this afternoon. She had eleven friends come to help her celebrate.

It was a great party and I think everyone had a good time. The storyteller, Val, sang a few of Anna's favorite songs. She read Hello Tilly, Happy Hector, Ducks Don't Wear Socks, and There Are Cats In This Book. Anna knew all the words and said them along with Val. It was pretty emotional to think just a few months ago she refused to talk or sing during story time and how grown up she is really becoming.

They ate pink cupcakes and cookies.

Anna gave out books (Hello Tilly or Happy Hector) and balloons as party favors. Quite a few of the kids stayed after the party to relax and check out the books.

Mr. Sam spent most of the party on Nana's lap ... but I only have a picture of him stretched out on her scarf.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Meeting Prince Charming

When asked about the ballet practice today she said "I met Prince Charming!" I think she is right, Artur Sultanov, is probably the closest thing to a prince in Portland.

After ten minutes of hard core jumping ... I am sure this is not what the manufacture recommends.