Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Sam has really embraced being a 2 year old boy. Today he refused to take a nap for Nana, colored (blue) on the new window sills and couch, hit Anna with a school bus, moved all of his toys to the living room and ... peed in his potty to get a truck sticker.

A Braided Hair Princess

Monday, September 27, 2010

Letter A

This week at Pre-K Anna and her classmates will be learning about the letter A. Anna show me tell me day is on Monday's and Nana gave me the review on what she presented: an Alligator, a few Acorns, and A magnet .. and my favorite that her name has 2 letter A's in it.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Moon Sand Ponies

Anna made many, many sand ponies today and just a few princess "to take care of all the ponies..."

Bowling Part 2

Four year old children are terrible bowlers. The balls are to heavy for them to carry, they toss the ball onto the lanes with a huge thud instead of rolling them, the balls take forever to roll down to the pins, and then the worst .. their balls get stuck 1/2 way down the lanes and have to be rescued. Anna had an absolute blast bowling. Me, the one to rescue the balls on the slick lanes, not so much.

Saturday's Letter B

Anna had a busy Saturday, she started the day with her Ballet class,

picked out her own Beautiful outfit to wear to a Birthday party,

she Bowled two lanes at Hollywood Bowl,

and had a Best time ever slumber party with her cousins. (no photo's taken)

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Thursday Art Project: Jack O Lanterns

This week we made jack o lanterns out of glittery foam stickers, glue, and sparkles ... it was great fun and the kids really got into the decorations (esp Mr. Henry) this time.

Most of the pumpkins ... Anna and Henry went back to make more after I took the photo.

Walter hanging out with his momma.

Sam eating a cereal snack after he ate most of Walter's.

Anna's scariest pumpkin.

Henry's scariest pumpkin.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Pixie Pajama Party

Nana has come over early each time a new Tinkerbell movie has been released for a pajama viewing party with Anna. This time we invited Katherine in on the fun. The Great Fairy Rescue is really cute movie and both girls were in a little bit of a viewing trance.

Pirate Sammy

Reindeer Ears

We know it is a little early to be sporting antlers ... but the kids have been having a lot of fun with them this week.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Contrast Of Carrying A Toy

Sam: 2 years old carrying a box of mini cars down the hall.

Anna: 1 year 7 months old (September 2007) carying a birdhouse of mini birds down the hall.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Thursday Art Project: Lady Bugs & Bumble Bees

The kids were really great crafters this week. Henry and Anna settled down and went right to work on the insects. Afterwards they watched A Bug's Life, ate some pizza, and Henry and Sam played/screamed trucks.

Anna and Yoon Hee worked on a special bug for Walter and a watch for Anna. Anna was funny ... "what time is it? Oh it's 8:0o O'clocking."

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Go Ducks!

In preparation for an upcoming football game, Pop pop's bought Sam and Anna new gear. Sam is delighted with his new clothes. He is especially happy that people have said him "Go Ducks!" while out on a walk ... Sam's reply back is "Yes Ducks! Pop pop's Ducks."

Anna is excited for the slumped party and asked the football food was. I think she remembering the baseball game this summer with cotton candy.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Hum ... Don't Know

Sam's favorite new phrase to say is "don't know." It is so sweet and super funny to ask him a question and get it as a reply.

Anna did her first show & tell at pre-k on Monday. The theme was "my life in a bag" and she choose to to share:

1. Sparkle dress up shoes - she likes to play dress up
2. Pink Pony name Cheer-a-lee - she like ponies, they are her second favorite animal
3. Stuffed baby beluga - she likes to sing (esp. the baby beluga song)
4. Flier for the next ballet - she loves to go to the ballet

Anna showed me the dance move she shared with her class after talking about the ballet during the share time. Her teacher told me today that Anna was the first kid to dance for their classmates during a show and tell.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Roots & Shoots: Dam Tour

Some of the parents at Anna's old pre-school started a civic group for all the graduating students as a way for the kids to keep in contact. Today was the first time we went on an outing with the group (it was the groups second outing). We went on a picnic and a tour of Bonneville Dam.

Apres Ballet

Anna was an official ballet student on Saturday! She wore her new pink sweatsuit and cute little bun all day after the class.

Costco is so much more fun to visit with Nana in an apres ballet outfit ... and it is even better when she buys you a huge box of princess high heel shoes.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Thursday Art Project

On Thursday this school year Anna and Henry are going to have an art play date before story time. This week they decorated aliens and rocket ships. Anna spent most of her time working on coloring one red alien while Henry and Sam were a assembly line of decorating.

Henry's favorite one.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Testing Out The Rain Gear

or I could call this the rainy day zucchini bread delivery service.


Today was Anna's first day at her new school. She was so excited and ran in and join the class ... it was a great first day start off.

We compromised on her first day of school outfit. I wanted her to wear a skirt or something girlish and she "wants to look like a cowgirl!"

Sunday, September 5, 2010


State Fair

We went to the state fair on Saturday. Really nothing could be better then an afternoon of eating corn dogs, looking at draft horses, petting pigs, a six dollar pony ride, meeting Smokey the Bear, watching cows get judged on how full the hind ends are, and learning that our pet walking sticks are a "forbidden, invasive, insect ... who are NOT allowed in Oregon" and all the ways we must destroy them.