Monday, January 31, 2011

Things Could Be Much Worse

Two weeks ago, Sam was in the hospital. He had been sick for several weeks with a very high fever. He had 2 ER visits, 2 doctor's visits, and many, many conversations on the phone with a nurse all with in a week. The beginning of the end was when he had an allergic reaction to penicillin and was taken to the ER in an ambulance. He was moved by ambulance to a children's hospital and placed in his own room under quarantine for the night. It took a pediatric infectious disease doctor a few hours of listening to talk and tell the story of all of his symptoms to diagnose his illness and get him onto the road to recovery. It is funny to think it a high tech world, the listening is what really cured Sam. He is home with us now a lot thinner, still a little sick, and still a stinker.

One week ago, I woke up with the worst flu symptoms I have ever experienced. My mom took me to the doctor and I was diagnosed with walking pneumonia (thank to Sam) and mono (thanks to someone licking something I touched at Disneyland). So far the year 2011 is not going as well as I would have liked ... but it could be worse.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Hello Rapunzel

The longest line we waited for on this trip was to meet Rapunzel & Flynn Rider. Anna was so excited to meet the newest princess and check out the magical hair.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

A Motor Maniac

Sam likes cars. He really likes to drive cars, even if the driving is only in his mind. We spent a lot of time on driving rides during this trip.

Lucky for Sam, Mr. Toad is very fond of driving cars as well.

And even more exciting for Sam ... "MATER & MCQUEEN" live next door to Disneyland in Radiator Springs.

Nothing could be better then watching a two year old boy hug a giant car.

Monday, January 3, 2011

A Whole Lot Of Magic

We went to Disneyland over Christmas break and it was magical.

Disneyland is such a wonderful place and such a special time of year. It is very difficult for me to pick my favorite memories of the trip ... I am going to dole them out slowly so I will be able to savor each memory a little longer.

I am trying not to cry and holding in my emotions, poorly, as I pose with the long lost and recently found Dreamer Bench. It is truly amazing to believe that this little bench started the whole magical dream.