Monday, March 30, 2009

Things We Could Never Do With Stella

Or can you remember the first time you laughed so hard you peed your pants? I found this little gem of a video for Anna to watch after preschool. She started laughing so hard and the next thing she knew she had tinkle was running down to her socks. Poor Anna, she was very funny about the whole thing and said ... "we can never do that to Stella."

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Backpack Kids

Anna got a new backpack from Disney World and she has been wearing it around all day. She did want Sam to feel left out of the backpack joy ...

The contents of Anna's bag are: small clip on Tinker Bell glow light, Tinker Bell shaped soap, lion shaped soap, small stuffed giraffe, and the paper insert to the Finding Nemo DVD.

The contents of Sam's (supplied by Anna) bag are: Kiss Goodnight board book, 1/2 bag of dried fruit, small clear plastic ball with alligator inside, and a diaper. The one diaper just cracks me up ... she is a funny girl.

Nana & Pop Pop's Are Back!

We have had lots of excitement all around the house last night and today. Charles and I are just happy that we will not have to have the following conversation many times a day:

Anna: "Were are Nana and Pop Pop's?"
Katy / Charles: "They are in Disney World and they will be home is XXX days."
Anna: "They will be home in Vancouver?"
Katy/Charles: "Yes, in a few days they will be home in Vancouver."
Anna: " I miss Nana so much. When is Nana going to come home to Vancouver?"

Anna's new joy is a Tinker Bell "flashlight" and a Tinker Bell shaped soap (smells like vanilla). She asked me to make a photo of it.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

The Great Photo Playdate

Today Anna hosted a little play date after the bookstore story time today. An added bonus of a really fun afternoon was my friend Stephanie, Katie and Max's mommy, took some really great photo's of all the kids.

I love this one of Max and Sam together. It is very sweet to watch Sam observe Max. I think Sam is wondering how in the heck does he do that .. all those great tricks .. all that moving around.

And one more of Mr. Sam because he is so stinking cute today!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Wake Up Ready To Play

While I was getting breakfast ready, Anna was teaching Sam how to play with his toys.

The older girls took a little rest after their early breakfast.

And the little one, with help from Anna, chased the cat under Anna's bed.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Crazy Cozy Cars

We went to the bounce land today to celebrate the first day of spring break. We had lots of fun, the kids were super cute, and I forgot my camera! I swiped the following photo's from Stephanie's blog (I hope you don't mind Steph). The little cozy cars were a huge hit.

Mr. Sam was making little vromm noise as soon as he got into the car. It is his new trick ... yesterday he was holding a car and trying to push it while making the noise. Eventually the car ended up in his mouth.

Anna a little bit of an aggressive driver once she got behind the wheel. She was pretty determined to not share the car or to let anyone get to close to her in the car.

Max and Katie got into the car action to. Max is such a cute guy .. look at his smile!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Potential Prize Fighter Nickname

The Orange Stinger.

Two kennel guests waiting for breakfast .. what you can not tell from this photo is that the redhead is sitting on Stella's head.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Mean Trick

Poor Mr. Sam, he just did not understand his sister's new game .. pretend to feed Sam.

Stella is the host doghouse for two exchange dogs from Vancouver for the next two weeks. These photo is so their mom can see that the girls are alive and well on day one.

Millie the nice one.

Maggie (aka Eggy) not quite as nice Millie. She is a redhead.

Thursday, March 19, 2009


You know that you have good nieces when they are willing to lay on the floor for 15 minutes so their aunt can take a photo of them all together.

First Pedicure

The girls are headed off to Disney World with Nana and Pop pop's tomorrow, so we went over for a help them with their pre-trip pedicure. Anna was a little to small for the chair. In order to soak her feet she had to stand in the water. She was really excited about the whole process, she got a massage in the chair, read magazines, and loved everything ... especially new pretty red toes with a flower!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Ballet Class Snoop

Since Anna's ballet class is behind closed doors .. I have had a really hard time snooping to see all the action. Here are a few photo's taken from behind the glass door.

On the walk home she told me that they jumped on one foot, stand on squares, they danced like flowers, and the teacher is very pretty.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Interview With Anna

Interview with Anna (3 years 1 1/2 months old) 3:45 p.m. today:

1. What is something mom always says to you?
"Go potty, I want a piece of candy."

2. What makes mom happy?
"Please" (rubs her chest to sign please at the same time)

3. What makes mom sad?
"I have to go potty"
(take a break for potty)

4. How does your mom make you laugh?
"Walk on wall" (?)

5. What did your mom like to do when she was a child?
"Play with babies and drink tea"

6. How old is your mom?
"Were you a rabbit"
(holds up five fingers)

7. How tall is your mom?
"Big, I am not a big person"

8. What is her favorite thing to watch on TV?
" Winnie the Pooh"

9. What does your mom do when you're not around?
"Watch Snow White, very scary"
(makes a woo ghost sound)

10. If your mom becomes famous, what will it be for?
"I don't know"

11. What is your mom really good at?
"Making boobie milk"
(um, yea thanks Anna)

12. What is your mom not very good at?
"I don't know"

13. What does your mom do for her job?

14. What is your mom's favorite food?
"Candy, candy birds"

15. What makes you proud of your mom?
"Clean up, clean up everybody clean up"
(runs into her room and bring back a rabbit)

16. If your mom were a cartoon character, who would she be?
"I have a rabbit."

17. What do you and your mom do together?
"I need the little rabbit, hop don't have a big tail, I don't have a tail"

18. How are you and your mom the same?
"Were peoples, we are girls"

19. How are you and your mom different?
"I am little"

20. What does your mom like most about your dad?

21. Where is your mom's favorite place to go?
"I want to jump on the big bed, like the five little ..."
(runs into my room)

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Pancake House Hit

Guess who Sunday morning, pancake eating, little old ladies with blueish hair can not get enough of ...

And since he is so very cute and our friend is back from her big six month adventure with the penguins and has not really gotten to see how cute I am ... a bonus picture.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Swim Saturday

We went swimming again this Saturday .. lots for fun and Anna was so excited about the slide.

Sam was a little upset that I tried to take his picture instead of feeding him.

Friday, March 13, 2009

The Anna-Ramma-Ding-Dong

We had a low key day around here. Anna spent most of the day in her pixie wings looking out the window for neighborhood action,

and playing with Mr. Potato and then taking pictures of the different costumes,

and finally after a nice long nap .. she is audio-anna, listening to a story on her player.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Three Year Old Logic

Anna has been trying to explain how the world works to us lately and sometimes her logic is incredibly sweet ...

when she gets her glasses then she will be able to read.
wind is naughty, it tries to steal little girls hair in order to make bird nests.
boys can not eat carrots.
bugs have magic in them and that is why they fly, nothing to do with wings.
one day she may grow wings and/or a tail.
Sammy can talk, he just talks so quietly we cannot hear him yet.
sunshine has a taste and it is bubblegum.
mommy has a magic wand hidden somewhere to clean the house.
the worst thing you can do in the world is bite someone :)
fairies play with her toys at night when she is asleep and they are very tidy.
one day she may not ever have to tinkle or poop again.
dogs are all girls, cats are all girls, and rabbits are all boys.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Example Of Bad Parenting

"Noccio" came in the mail today and we let Anna watch the movie while she ate her dinner. She acted like she won the lottery ... "OK! really, really like this noccio! I will eat the pasta."

Monday, March 9, 2009

Lucky Me!

Every once in a while I really become aware, or rather more aware, of how very lucky I am. I have super healthy and happy kids, a very nice husband, fantastic parents, kind and caring employers, good friends, and then just when I think my basket is overflowing with love ... one of my client's mails me a little picture to hang in Anna and Sam's (not even started to remodel the space yet) playroom ..... I am knocking on wood as soon as I finish typing.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Celebrate Sparkles

Nana found Anna a new pair of sparkly shoes that are very similar to the ones she loved and wore every single day last summer. Anna was so excited that put on the shoes and ran to her wonder horse .... "I am celebrating!" she cheered.

After bath Anna placed them next to her bed near Marie.

Her bed is too full to accept new "favorites". I wonder sometimes if Marie is on a waiting list to move up to the prime spot of near her glow light.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Happy Birthday Charles!

We celebrated Charles birthday yesterday. It was a fun evening and Anna helped Nana and Pop pops pick out the cake. Her original idea was a Tinkerbell cake. She was pretty certain the the cake should say Charles and not Daddy. It's pretty funny that Anna now knows what every one's name is and she really thinks it is funny when she yells ... "Hey Charles, Hey Chuck!!"

Gabby and Zoe spent the afternoon and evening with us to help celebrate and get some cousin time in before they go on their big trip to Florida later on this month.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Pump It Up Jr.

We had a bouncing play date with Anna's friends today. Anna had lots and lots of fun!They had several slides, a few small obstacle courses, a ball pit, and a large obstacle course. I think Anna, Katie, and Henry did this circuit about 20 times.

Lucky for Anna, Katie was willing to give her a hand up each time the started the course.

This is Henry, one of Anna's friends from preschool. He is one of the sweetest boys and really cute. It was a really nice treat that he joined us for the play date today.