Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Tale of Two Dogs

Anna was sick this weekend and got to watch television with commercials for the first time. When she got better .. I learned just suggestible she is to advertising. She asked everyone, mail woman, neighbor, ect to get her a swimming puppy in brown. She found the right person to ask in Nana and she is so, so very happy. Charles had to replace the batteries after only 5 hours. We are going back to no television for Anna and Sam.

Swim puppy and Anna going for a swim

and taking a little nap.

Sam; however, is just happy that Stella lets his tug on his ears

and give she big wet, sticky handed hugs. He does not need a swim puppy yet.

1 comment:

Christa said...

That's cute!

You would like the book Born to Buy, by Juliet B. Schor. It was an eye-opener for me.