Saturday, February 27, 2010

Truck Purse

After losing the new Fillmore #2 for a little while today, Anna decided Sam needed a purse to put his trucks into. She found a bag and got him all set up. Sam is sort of ok with this .. I think.

He is much more excited about pushing his new red truck around (thanks Nana),

and eating raisins. Purses may just end up being an Anna only thing thank goodness.

Date Night For Four

We went out to eat tonight. It stills feels a little funny to say "table for four please."

Friday, February 26, 2010

Random Updates

Me reading to the kids.

Anna's new favorite dress and lipstick. She loves chap stick. She needs pocket in everything she wears so she can carry the chap stick around with her at all times. Sometimes she will put it in her purse ... but the purse is more for little animals.

Anna and Sam playing hike the cars in a box together. They have been playing with cars this week a lot. They like to sort them, move them around, and the favorite play hide and seek with them. Today this game backfired on Sam when we were unable to find her favorite "ma bus, ma pfilllll, bus, bus, bus!!!"

We got four walking sticks from Anna's pre-school this week. I am very scared of touching them and lucky for me Anna and Sam are not.

The Big Gym

Anna takes a gymnastics's class in Vancouver with her friend Cece on Friday's. This is the largest gym I have ever been to. It is a huge building .. Costco/Walmart sized.

Sam and I watch the class from a second story viewing area and it is very difficult to get any photo's on Anna in action.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Everyone needs some kind of lovey to sleep with sometimes ....

some people just need more then others.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Predators of Africa

This weekend's zoo class was all about Lions (2 girls and 1 boy) and the cheetah (no gender given). Since Charles took her this week, I have not heard all the amazing animals facts about these animals. I do know that she participated in the if your a lion and you know it song ... her suggestion was "eat a zebra!"

Loving 1/2 Mile Invitational

We went down to the track on Saturday to see if Anna could run a 1/2 mile. Charles is going to sign her up for a fun kids run in March and wanted to make sure she could do it. She is such a cute peppy runner ... "I can do it, I can do it!" It is going to be fun to see her in the race (weather permitting).

Blow Bubbles

When it is sunshiny outside you have to blow some bubble ... it also helps when you have 2 Stitch's to help you out.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Year Of The Tiger

Since we were at the zoo on Chinese New Years, we got to see the blessing of the Tigers. The zoo keepers decorated the enclosure and had treats for the tiger, since it is their year, and treats and blessing for the visitors. Anna was mostly happy about the good luck candy they gave her.


Zoo camp this weekend was all about Penguins. Anna's favorite observation of the day was "penguins poop a lot."

One of her favorite activities was the shaving cream Arctic tundra table. They placed little animals all around and used paint to make water ... messy and fun.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Anna's Bedtime Tonight

Tonight she read stories with Daddy. Tonight they read Marshmallow and All The World.

She turned Lamb into a horse and rode him around the bedroom.

Begged for the light to be turned out so she could see the glow in the dark skeleton on her PJ's ... then laughed and laughed when the light came on again.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Sunday, February 7, 2010

G Is For Giraffe

Anna went to her second zoo day camp. Today was all about Giraffe's and Zebra's. She (and me) learned that the black giraffe tongue keeps it from being sunburned . Also zebra's hardley sleep, they work in pairs, resting their heavy heads on each others shoulders and keeping a lookout in each direction.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Four Years Old

Today Miss. Anna is four years old. She is such a fun girl. She likes to sing, dance, make plastic animal parades, watch the movie Dumbo (but not the scary parts), and giggle, giggle, giggle. She brings light and sparkle to our lives every day. We are so lucky to have her.

February 6, 2010

February 6, 2009

February 6, 2008

February 6, 2007

February 6, 2006

Pony Party

We went to the Silver Buckle Ranch to ride ponies for Anna's birthday today. We had so, so much fun. Five kids, 4 ponies (one pony was out sick), and a dozen cupcakes ...

Anna and Nana check out the ponies before the guests arrive.

The girls are out in the pasture checking in on the pony with the cold.

Everyone getting ready to ride.

Anna on Bulls Eye. This was the naughty pony ... he liked to go fast.

Miss. E.

Mr. Henry

Miss. Cece


Katherine having a post ride snack. I do not have a photo on Katherine on the ponies ... I think she was ridding around to fast. She is a spitfire.

Saying goodbye to the ponies.

Monday, February 1, 2010

H Is For Hat

For the past few weeks, I thought Sam was saying a new word hot .. nope Anna was able to guess tonight that Sam wanted to wear a HAT!

After the camera came out, Anna decided to join in the hat fun and pose for a photo.