Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Dumbo Visits The Zoo

On Sunday, Anna told us Dumbo wanted to see live elephants. I think he had a pretty good time.

Dumbo was not allowed in the goat coral. The keeper told Anna that the goats like eat plush toys often.

The dollar taking vulture does not like Dumbo ... man can that bird scream.

We also got to watch the hippo swim for the first time. It was really neat to watch, she was swimming after floating apples.

R.I.P Ants

After two days of Sam shaking the ant farm whenever he could sneak a shake in, all the ants have passed on. I have ordered a second set from Uncle Milton and I hope they will live in our house longer then a week.

Friday, July 9, 2010


Anna's ant for her farm arrived this afternoon. The ants seem to be settling into their new home nicely. I am a little concerned as the instructions that came with the ants said that they can be sort of aggressive and can bite ... I hope they remain on the farm and not loose in the house.

Since it is finally hot here we can eat Popsicles, run in sprinklers (thanks Steph), and change into a different sundress at least three times a day.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010


Everyone has been thinking about paint around here ..

I have been trying to pick out a new house color. When you go to the paint store and ask for a creamy, rich yellow you get a lot of options.

Test patch 1:

Test patch 2:

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Monday, July 5, 2010

Scooter Practice

We are not sure if it is a help or a hindrance to have a brother who will pull you on the scooter.

And push you some more ...

And then take it for his own.

Pre-School Style 4th of July

We had a perfect 4th of July celebrations this year. We ate dinner at 6:00, lit off fireworks at 7:00, and was home and in bed by 8:00.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

So Happy

Anna had her first class of ballet camp today (for the next five Saturday's). She was so excited and so very proud to be lined up and off to class today.

Lucky for me, Anna likes to count. I learned that there were 5 blue ballerinas, 2 red helper ballerinas (her favorite being a girl named Suzu), 1 boy ballerina with black shoes named Oliver, and a beautiful teacher in white.

She kept her hair up all day. And would have worn her leotard if I would have let her. I love this photo since it is sort of "find the Sam" type.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Tall Enough

Guess who is finally tall enough to get into the candy drawer???

A cute blue ballerina on a scooter.