Friday, December 18, 2009

Zoo Lights

We went to see the zoo lights tonight. They were so beautiful this year and we had perfect weather. They had zoo animal people out this year. Any person in a fuzzy costume is case for celebration and a photo in Anna's book.

She was so excited about the elephant, that Anna ran screaming across half of the zoo to give him a hug and take a photo.

Zoe took very good care of Sam tonight, making sure he kept his hat on and pushing him around in his stroller. This is extra nice of Zoe and Gabby to share ... since Sam is technically Gabby's baby (and Zoe has Anna).

1 comment:

Traveling Jones said...

I need to introduce you to me friend, who just happens to be a zookeeper at the Oregon zoon. By the way, I'll be in Portland in a couple of days!