Monday, November 10, 2008

Tinkerbell Tea Party

When I came home from work today, Anna and Nana were having a Tinkerbell tea party. Anna took a sip of tea and then Tinkerbell was given a sip of tea (complete with the sip, sip, and yummy, yummy noises that everyone makes when drinking tea).

Since Anna did not want her picture taken today, I had to sneaky shoot one when she was reading on my bed. She was reading the "20 Realistic Monkey Stickers" book and when I asked her about it she told me "once upon a time monkeys .. ha ha."

Poor Nana had a very hard day today. Mr. Sam did not sleep. He has had two relaxing baths, smells great (lavender), has a super full tummy ......

This is 12 hours later ... still awake.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi, I just think you children are very cute and you all look so happy. Raising little ones is a lot of happiness enjoy and keep up the good work. :) A mother of 2 grown boys. The time goes by very quickly so enjoy.
